Bizarre: this is the very first iPod!
This big clunky device is the very first iPod, and yet it isn’t. An exclusive look into the world before the iPod.
We’re probably not saying anything weird when we tell you that there’s a lot of planning and prep work that goes into developing a device. Most of that remains behind the scenes and all we ever see is the final version.
First ever iPod
Yet today we get a look behind the scenes at the very first iPod. Yesterday it was twenty years ago that Apple unveiled their portable MP3 player. The most important is the technical challenge of packing as much technology as possible into the smallest possible package. Characteristic of the iPod was the circle with the buttons for next, previous, pause and menu. That’s what we all know now, but around the summer of 2001, the iPod looked very different.

iPod Prototype
At least for developers. This was the very first iPod before it was officially unveiled! It was of course never intended that consumers would get their hands on the device in this way. The housing is an ugly piece of plastic that should mainly serve as a housing.

Why this thing exists? Easy. The technical components are all exactly as you would find them in the very first iPod. In this prototype they are still arranged in such a way that it is clear. Everything is there as you would find it in the original iPod, including screen.

As mentioned, this was always intended as a prototype and consumers received the version that is on the prototype in the photo above, left for comparison. A bit more portable, which of course should be the spearhead of an MP3 player. A bizarre look behind the scenes at Apple.

We get to see this prototype thanks to Panic, an American developer. They share on their blog that they can show this original Apple prototype (certified) of the very first iPod. Would it have happened if it had become this crazy plastic lunch box?