Bizarre: Elden Ring Legend Beats Boss 1000 Times!
Malenia is one of the toughest bosses in all of Elden Ring, but that didn’t stop the legend Let Me Solo Her from beating her 1000 times. In his underpants…
Elden Ring is filled to the brim with legendary enemies, but there is one legend that transcends them all: Let Me Solo Her. The player was praised for his qualities and his absurd appearance soon after the release of Elden Ring. Now the faceless god proves once and for all that he’s mastered the game by facing one of the game’s toughest bosses. 1000 times to beat†
Elden Ring Legend vs Malenia
Let Me Solo Her single-handedly defeated boss Malenia for the 1000th time this week. Now the sheer willpower required to fight a boss over and over again is worth mentioning. The fact that he did it all on his own makes it even more impressive.
But the absolute icing on the cake is the absurd look of LMSH. With his double katanas, a gigantic pot on his head and way too small (and filthy) white underpants, the character takes center stage in many an Elden Ring meme.
Although Elden Ring is of course chock full of bosses, Malenia, Blade or Miquella is a special choice. The character features in much of the game’s box art and other visual promotional materials. Malenia has become something of a mascot for the game.
Remarkable, since she is not even a ‘mandatory’ boss to actually finish the game. The enemy is therefore especially notorious for the extreme difficulty of the combat. And then Let Me Solo Her did an absurd 1000 times. Only. In his underpants.