
“At the sight, the neighbor doubled over with laughter”

Image: Unsplash

Sometimes you make a blunder that still leaves you blushing in shame years later and you better laugh about it, right?

Mary (36): “I was so happy when the theme party in the community center was a success. I had been preparing for weeks George in the Jungle. Everything and everyone was styled in that theme, including painted faces. Satisfied, I took the train home. My fellow travelers looked at me with raised eyebrows. In the reflection of the window I was stared at by a tiger. Forgot to put on makeup.”

New fashion, mom?

Jane (42): “Every morning we are outside at eight o’clock, ready to go to school. Bring bags, coats on and on the bike. Always running and flying to be on time. And sometimes things go wrong. I didn’t notice, but my oldest daughter did: ‘Mom, ehhhh, I don’t know. But why are you wearing two different shoes?’”

Get out of here

Judith (29): “Chlorine smell, wet children’s bodies, hysterical mothers and sticky heat. After swimming lessons I want to leave the locker room as quickly as possible. So fast that I usually forget to take off those silly blue slippers. And I only find out when I am stared at by other parents in the canteen.”

Read also – Oops: mother celebrates birthday son (3) on the wrong day for two years >

Pajama dress

Ann (28): “I’m happy every time I get another bag of girls’ clothes from a friend. Every now and then I send a photo of my daughter in one of her outfits, like the other one with the text: ‘Again in a nice dress to the shelter’. I immediately got a load of smiling smileys back. ‘That wasn’t a dress, it was pajamas. A nice one.’”

Intimate insight

Yvette (41): “I am a champion of planning too much in too short a time. Going to the toilet then slips in every now and then. Recently I sprinted from my car to the front door, with my jacket still on I pulled down my pants, the toilet door was wide open. Just before I wanted to sit on the glasses, out of the corner of my eye I saw the neighbor looking through the window of the front door. She doubled over with laughter at the sight of my bare ass. Ten minutes later she came back to borrow an onion.”

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