Apple is working on a new and improved Music app for Mac
Do you regularly listen to music on your Mac? Good, because then there is good news. Apple is working on a new version of the Music app on your Mac. We will tell you exactly what will change here!
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New music app for Mac
You may have noticed that the Music app on the Mac sometimes doesn’t always feel as fast. That will soon change as Apple is working on a new version of the Music app on the Mac.
The fact that the Music app is not always smooth is because the current app is still partly based on the old iTunes. When Apple released MacOS Catalina in 2019, the iTunes app was replaced by the current Music app. Although the appearance of the app has undergone a major overhaul, a lot has secretly remained the same under the hood.
Music app for Mac: from web content to native
The Music app (just like iTunes) still uses web content. Now the use of web content is not immediately a problem, but this often makes the app less smooth. You notice this, for example, when looking for music. The search results are actually a kind of web pages that load in the app. In the beta of macOS Monterey 12.2, that will now change, because the web content in the Music app is undergoing a major overhaul.

The new app uses JET. This technique was devised by Apple to convert web content into native apps. A native app is made specifically for (in this case) the macOS platform. This will make the Music app on your Mac feel a lot faster. You will especially notice this when looking for new music and switching between different parts in the app.
When will macOS Monterey 12.2 be available?
We can be brief about that: it will take a while. Apple recently released macOS Monterey 12.1 and has actually just started the beta of macOS Monterey 12.2. On the one hand, that’s also nice, because then many more innovations will probably come to light soon. Hopefully in early 2022 you’ll finally be able to get started with Monterey 12.2 and the new Music app for Mac!