Android updates

Android vs iPhone: how do the two star OSes share the world?

The explosion of the smartphone market has led to major fragmentation of the mobile operating system. While iPhones have always dominated in the US and Europe, Android is much more popular in some countries. The reasons for this success vary by region, but most experts agree that Android offers a better user experience and features that better match local needs.

android world
Emerging countries are very “Android”

Local specificities…

In India, for example, most people don’t have high-speed internet access, and cheap Android phones are great for browsing the web. Additionally, many Android apps have been created specifically for the Indian market, such as PayTMwhich allows users to easily transfer money between each other.

In Nigeria or Cameroon, the main reason for Android’s success is its price. Android phones are generally much cheaper than iPhones, which makes them accessible to a wider population. Additionally, Android provides Nigerian users with easy access to Google Play, where they can download local apps for free.

This is also the case in China, especially since iOS application stores like App Store and iTunes are not accessible, which gave Android a significant advantage. In addition, many Android applications are optimized for Chinese users, especially in terms of their ideograms.

Born in the USA!

In the United States, Apple is the majority with an iOS that borders on 60% market share. The aggressive marketing of the apple firm in its country has something to do with it, as does protectionism, which is very rooted in the country of Uncle Sam. Android is American, but it equips Chinese, Japanese and Korean smartphones. We remember the sidelining of Huawei by the Trump administration for supposed cronyism with the Chinese government… As far as Japan and Apple’s domination are concerned, this is also explained by marketing, but also by a Japanese habit of favoring expensive products: the more expensive, the better. Apple has found its dream market!

android world
In France, Android represents 76.3% of the market share in March 2022 according to Statistics. However, the little green robot is stepping back: the figure was 82.1% in October 2020.

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