And the most used emoji of 2021 is..
To give our messages on WhatsApp and elsewhere some fun or nuance, there are emojis. But which emoji was the most popular in 2021?
Yours truly uses emojis on a daily basis. You probably too. And you can also think of which one you use most often. The question is, of course, whether you are somewhat in line with the rest. Because Unicode Consortium, the party that deals with emojis, has announced the most used emoji of 2021.
The smiling teardrop emoji is the most commonly used emoji. Yes, everyone saw that coming. On WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook messages and you name it. You see this emoji everywhere. Year after year it proves to be a hugely popular emoji, so this outcome is not a real surprise.
In any case, the top 10 emojis of 2021 are largely the same as the list of 2019. We do not know whether there is still a difference with last year. No top 10 has been released for 2020. In short, are we such creatures of habit or are the new emoji not nice enough?
The top 10 also consists of even more smiling emoji, hearts, kisses and hands together (also known as high five or prayer).