At some point, Amazon will also come to an end: five Kindles will soon lose access to the store and will therefore no longer be able to borrow or buy e-books. We reveal which Kindle readers are included and how you can get fresh reading material for your e-book reader in the future.


According to a study by the credit insurer Euler Hermes, Europeans change their mobile phones on average every 40 months (source: daily News). About a quarter longer than in 2016. But even with this increased lifespan, mobile phones will probably not come close to e-book readers. If you buy a Kindle, Tolino and Co., you should use the device for many years.

That Amazon now for older Kindle readers reduce the range of functionswill probably upset most owners.

Amazon is scrapping the E Shop on older Kindle readers

Specifically affected are the international version of the Kindle 2, the international Kindle DX, the Kindle Keyboard and the 4th and 5th generation Kindles. All e-book readers listed will will no longer be able to borrow or purchase e-books from August 17th. Amazon is currently pointing this out in an email (source: Reddit). According to Amazon, the change affects all Kindle readers older than 10 years.

To install a software update on a Kindle:

This is how you get e-books on your old Kindle

However, the affected Kindles do not have to go to the technology cemetery. Even after the deadline, e-books can still be borrowed and bought – just a little more cumbersome. This requires owners From now on go to the Amazon website and make your selection there. The e-books are then sent to the device. Only the direct purchase on the affected Kindle readers is no longer possible from August 17th.

And for those who want to get rid of Amazon entirely: It has recently also become possible to load ePub books onto Kindle devices. In our special topic, we explain step-by-step how this works: Read ePub eBooks on the Kindle – this is how it works.