Aeromine mini wind generator surpasses solar panel – Apparata
The wind is even stronger in winter than in summer. With the Aeromine mini wind generator, you also have clean electricity in winter.
Wind energy, even in winter
The days of cheap electricity from fossils are over for now. Now that Putin has finally turned off the gas tap and other fossil fuels, such as coal, are also becoming scarcer, green, sustainable energy is becoming indispensable.
That is why more and more people are looking at wind energy. Especially in a cold, windy country like the Netherlands, wind energy is a rewarding source of energy, especially in winter when there is no sun. Not everyone can place a giant windmill in their garden, but luckily the inventors of Aeromine have developed a super efficient mini wind generator. You can simply place this on your flat roof. Do you want to charge your electric car in the winter? Then this device is of course very suitable.

Aeromine almost always generates some power
What is special about the Aeromine mini wind generator is that there are no large moving blades. The device concentrates the wind, which is why a lot of energy can already be obtained from a breeze of 8 km/h. The average wind speed in winter is almost twice as high, so that releases a lot of energy.
When the wind blows through it, a suction effect is created (Bernouilli’s Law) that sets a propeller under the scaffolding in motion. Unfortunately, not every roof is suitable for the Aeromine. Do you have a flat roof? Then you will be rewarded. Because that is exactly what the Aeromine is suitable for!
Where can you buy the Aeromine?
Unfortunately, the Aeromine is not yet for sale this year. The company behind this smart wind turbine expects to be able to roll the first units off the assembly line in the course of 2023. Are you a handy crafter? Then you can build one yourself. It is a fairly simple, but smart device.
According to the makers, it can be installed for half the cost of 16 standard solar panels with the same yield. That equates to costs around two to three thousand euros and a yield of around five thousand kWh per year at the location where the company is located: the city of Houston in the state of Texas in the US.
The average wind speed there is 11-15 kilometers per hour. So comparable with the Netherlands. We will probably know more as soon as the first copies go on sale.