
Remove Luca app? You should definitely avoid this mistake

The Luca app can be found on millions of cell phones – although contact tracing has now been discontinued. However, users should not simply uninstall the app, because an important step must be taken beforehand. Otherwise, personal data will remain with the operator longer than necessary.

Luca: First delete the account, then the app

The Luca app no ​​longer offers what it was originally developed for. After the contracts with the federal states all expired, there is no longer any contact tracking via the app. Therefore, quite a few users are currently considering removing the app from their smartphones. But before the deletion should an important step taken will. If the app is simply removed, the account will continue to exist.

If you don’t want that, you have to take care of it yourself and go to the Luca app settings drop by. There you will find the item “Delete account” under the “Account” tab. Within 28 days, the operators are then legally obliged to delete the personal data entered for contact tracing. If instead the app is simply deleted, the data will remain with Luca “until the annual deletion” (source: Luca).

Luca was criticized early on:

Whether the Luca app on the cell phone will still be worthwhile in the future depends on the new business model of the operators away. There are plans to add a payment function to the app and to offer other services for the catering and cultural sectors. In addition to digital menus, reservations and ticket purchases should also be included. With “selected restaurants” the start should take place in the next few weeks.

As a reminder: Luca offered that.

Luca app: reorientation with money from Russia?

It was recently announced that the makers of the app received 30 million euros as part of a financing round. Part of the money comes from venture capitalist Target Global, which because of its Connections to Russia is under criticism. According to Luca founder Patrick Hennig, the agreement with Target Global was signed in January 2022, before the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

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