How big is the Death Star compared to the Netherlands?
With the free online tool Park My Spaceship you can see exactly how big your favorite spaceships from, for example, Star Wars and Star Trek are.
The evil Death Star is a returning behemoth in the Star Wars franchise, but just how big is the planet killer? Not very big, as appears from the wonderful tool Park My Spaceship. Users can use the nonsensical yet fun tool to see exactly how large iconic spaceships from the most famous franchises are.
Park My Spaceship
The Death Star in Star Wars fans’ eyes that Luke managed to destroy twice is actually not that big; Palpatine’s building is roughly 120 kilometers in diameter, slightly less wide and much less high than the Netherlands. For anyone who thought the Death Star was the size of a planet, it definitely isn’t. But the thing can destroy a planet with one bang (RIP Alderaan).
Or how about the City Destroyer from Independence Day? The aptly named alien spacecraft can cover all of Amsterdam. The USS Enterprise from Star Trek? Just as long as the Scheveningen pier. Or how about a Star Destroyer from Star Wars? It could just land on the beach of Texel.
In addition to Star Wars, fans can map dozens of other starships from franchises like Star Trek, Star Wars, Mass Effect and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy onto a Google Maps map to get a good idea of the scale of such objects. Park My Spaceship is completely free.