Video games: the most popular guides and tips
Playing video games is a popular recreational activity around the world. This hobby not only allows you to be entertained, but also to belong to a relatively large community of gamers. For some, it comes naturally to being good at video games. These gamers have the ability to unlock the most difficult levels and keep progressing steadily. However, for others, getting to play properly can be particularly difficult.
If you find yourself in this situation, rest assured, there is still room for improvement. Many professional players were indeed in your position and had to train for years to become experts. In addition, some platforms have now specialized in writing guides to help gamers get by when they find themselves in front of their favorite games. We are therefore going to give you the keys to improving your playing technique, but also to present the guides and tips most consulted by gamers.
What are the benefits of video games?
Before getting to the heart of the matter and showing you how to get better at video games, it is important to remember why it is beneficial to indulge in this activity. If you can’t seem to improve your gaming strategy, you might get discouraged and want to stop gaming, especially if those around you find playing video games a waste of time.
In the first place, video games help you develop the volume of your gray matter. According to the conclusions of a German study in which the subjects were people playing video games for about thirty minutes over a period of two months, this hobby helps to develop spatial orientation, the increase in gray matter in several areas of the brain, improving motor skills, memory training and the ability to find effective strategies.
Moreover, according to another study conducted by Ipsos, OMEN and the University of Arkansas, video games allow you to concentrate better. This seems quite logical when you know that to excel in this field, you have to be able to avoid the pitfalls and find the keys offered by the game. Visual attention is also more developed, gamers indeed know where to look. and stay focused over a longer or shorter period.
The creativity of gamers also stands out, compared to that of non-gamers. Indeed, some construction games can boost and stimulate creativity. They also help reduce stress. Many gamers have claimed that playing their favorite video games promotes relaxation and frees them up after a stressful day at work or school.
Finally, video games make it possible to find solutions to problems. Among the players, we note an ease in dealing with the difficulties they encounter on a daily basis. Since the games generally place the player in the face of mysteries through multiple challenges, the latter becomes better able to deal with various problems at the same time. When you indulge in video games, you will fail many times. Learning from your mistakes, trying different solutions, knowing when to give up, and dealing with different types of problems.
Why consult an online guide for video games?
As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, you don’t become an expert in video games overnight. All professional gamers had to train for a long time to reach their current level. However, even with a strong aptitude in the field, there may be times when you find yourself stuck. No matter what technique you use, you just can’t seem to get by. In these kinds of situations, you have to admit that you need a helping hand and seek help. To do this, go online. The web is a veritable gold mine of advice and tips of all kinds to solve video game puzzles.
Today, some platforms such as are specialized in creation of online guides for different video games. These sites are most of the time managed by experts who manage to unlock the hardest levels of games or who list the tips offered by professional players who have found the ultimate solution to advance in a video game.
So they write complete and detailed guides that allow you to find the solution to the problem you are having. In order to take advantage of it, you simply have to go to these specialized sites, then type the name of the video game that is giving you a hard time in the search bar. You will automatically find the guide dealing with this entertainment and all you have to do is read it to find the ideal solution. Some platforms even offer video tutorials to help you better understand the technique to use. You can therefore follow a professional player during his game session and be inspired by his strategy to get out of it.
In order to find the best site specializing in the creation of online guides for video games, it will be necessary to do a little prospecting on the internet. If you belong to an online gamers club, do not hesitate to ask them the question in order to obtain the best addresses. Lots of players, amateurs and professionals alike, regularly consult the tips of these platforms to excel in their favorite games.
If you get multiple URLs, take the trouble to go to each site to analyze the content offered. It is best to select a platform that deals with several video games, especially the most famous. The more guides there are on the site, the more chance you’ll have of finding what you need to move forward in your next sessions. In addition, opt for a platform which devotes a space “comments” to its users. So you can find out if the Internet users who followed the advice given on the site were satisfied or not. This will allow you not to waste your time on a platform whose guides will not serve you.
Are there other ways to improve your level in video games?
Reading and applying tips is not enough to become an informed gamer. It will also be necessary develop other abilities to be better and hold extraordinary sessions.
Play on a regular basis
You are no doubt familiar with the adage “it is by forging that you become a blacksmith”. Well, that also applies in the field of video games. The more you apply yourself, the more you will improve your technique. However, there is no question of performing long games every day. To become better you must succeed in spacing out periods of activity. In other words, you need to know when it comes to the best way for you to quit. So be regular, but don’t get hooked. In order to evolve, you have to be methodical. Only in this way will you be able to observe a real progression in your style of play.
Set a guideline and stick to it
Aside from regularity in practice, it is important to develop ideas and follow them. Therefore, when you are stuck at a level, take the time to define an idea and test it several times. If you don’t get conclusive results, don’t change your mind systematically. Instead, identify the dark spots in your idea and improve it. As a result, use all of your chess to better build your game strategy. Also, take the trouble to plan all your actions in the game. If the actions you take follow a definite line, you will have better luck. achieve your goal: win the game.
Equip yourself properly
Whatever field you want to be good at, keep in mind that your success will not depend on chance. You must apply yourself, be disciplined and prepare properly. In fact, in addition to playing regularly, you will need to use high-performance gaming equipment.
It is important not to neglect this element, because the use of efficient and suitable playing equipment will help you be faster and more efficient. So, if you really want to raise your game level, consider invest in a high-end gaming PC. In addition to this essential tool, you will also need to use superior quality controllers, keyboard, mouse and gaming headset.
Getting better at video games: the importance of a successful choice
If you really want to become a professional gamer, you will have to choose your gaming equipment, but also the video game. Here are the main criteria to take into account to avoid making a bad choice from the start.
The quality of the graphics
With the design of new generation consoles, video game graphics have undergone an incredible evolution. Since this is the universe the player immerses himself in during their sessions, it is a very important selection element. The graphics quality of the games is essential. Why ? The reason is quite simple and easy to understand: the more polished the graphics of the game, which you choose, the better your immersion will be.
This also applies to entertainment. These must be of superior quality, because they really bring the game scenery to life. On this last point, it is better to opt for hobbies where the settings look like reality, because you will be able to plan and walk around more easily to achieve your missions.
The type of scenario
Most video games are based on storylines that have several things in common. You often have to take on the role of savior and flush out the bad guy in order to kill him or go on a treasure hunt. This criterion is therefore not decisive in the choice of video game. Nevertheless, the universe in which this scenario takes place can help you make a decision. In some games available on the market, we find a futuristic and very worked universe while in others, the scenario takes place in a distant time. So you will have to make a choice according to your preferences.
The variety of missions
The best video games usually offer a variety of missions. Some models require you to follow a specific order, while other games allow you to complete the missions in the order that suits you. Here again, everything will depend on your preferences in this area. If you like everything to be organized around you and enjoy doing one task at a time, sticking to the linear approach to a video game won’t be difficult. On the other hand, if a strict sense of organization is not one of your qualities, you can opt for the entertainment that offers you the possibility of carrying out the missions according to your desires.
Game playability
Game playability or gameplay is one of the main criteria for selecting a video game. It is about a panel of actions, offered to the gamer and which can vary, as well in quantity as in quality. We generally speak of poor gameplay in a game when actions and combinations are reduced in number. The gameplay is rich otherwise and it has the advantage of put the player at the heart of the action. Rich gameplay enhances the user’s interaction with the game environment and helps to captivate their attention for a long time.
The availability of a community of players
If the video game you plan to choose meets all of the above criteria, we advise you to make your purchase after having verified that there is a network of players to be able to share your impressions and obtain advice. On the Internet, some gamers clubs are accessible free of charge, while others are chargeable. However, in either case, being part of a community of gamers will keep you up to date with the latest news and improve your gaming strategy.