Imprint wants to teach you things in a visual way
When I say “learn,” you probably say “read books.” Fortunately, we live in a world in which TikTok holds sway and we learn more and more visually. Imprint is an app that also wants to teach you something visually, but don’t let you watch videos: it uses cool animations to make the text really make an impact. In this App of the Week we take a closer look at Imprint.
App to learn something
I always love it: apps that tell you very clearly what they expect from you. For example, you have Duo Lingo, in which it is crystal clear what you have to do. Because you only do it for a few minutes every day, it feels like you don’t have to put in any effort, and you learn something new every day. That’s how Imprint works. You choose whether you want to spend two, five or ten minutes learning every day. You choose which subjects you find interesting and which learning path you take. For example about better leadership, or taking better care of your health: there are all kinds of different paths to choose.
You get seven days to try it, after that it costs 115 euros per year. The reason that seems like a lot is because of how Imprint is set up: each lesson consists of a lot of small screens with a little bit of text and an image that goes with the text. It looks great, but it feels so much like just reading something on the internet that you would think it must be free. At the same time, that’s not fair: this app has everything in the same animation style, has a lot of interesting lessons to learn, and not paying for the app would mean you’re selling it short to its creators.
Sure, you can also find everything on the internet, but this is a good selection of very educational things that you can immediately apply. Because it’s so personal, it feels like a kind of learning school for skills you can’t learn in school. These are things you learn from self-help books, but in a more fun way and that makes Imprint very attractive. Do realize that everything is in English, so if you don’t speak the language, this is not the app for you.
You don’t just learn life lessons, you can also learn about the blockchain, philosophy or history: it can also be a bit more factual if you prefer. Imprint, as the name suggests, really leaves an impression. Even after doing it just once, it already tastes like more. It really lingers and that is special. In addition, the app also works well: it is clearly an app that has put a lot of care and love into it and that also makes it a lot less annoying to pay that amount of 115 euros for it. In the end it is less than ten euros a month, while you are learning every day in an environment that looks beautiful.
Imprint is a special app that also doesn’t send you too many notifications, which is nice, because Duo Lingo can sometimes go too far. So, get to work with yourself every day, think about history, how you can work more efficiently or another useful skill that you can use throughout your life. Imprint can help you with this: better than many other apps.
Imprint: Learn Visually
Imprint: Learn Visually
Imprint is an app that helps you learn new things in a fun and visually appealing way. The app uses animations and short text to present information in a ..
App of the Week
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