Deutsche Post stops service – environmentalists cheer
It’s the end of an era: after 20 years, Deutsche Post is discontinuing a service that has reached up to 18 million households every Saturday. But environmentalists are cheering the end.
Deutsche Post is discontinuing the “Einkaufaktuell” prospectus advertising mailing
Inflation, high energy prices and rising personnel costs are now also taking their toll on Deutsche Post: “Shopping News” will be discontinued on April 1, 2024, as the Bonn-based group has now announced. Another reason is higher paper prices, explains the Post. Production and sales have “become drastically more expensive.”
Since 2003 became the prospectus commercial distributed to up to 18 million households every Saturday. According to Post, “Einkaufaktuell” reaches a total of 14.25 million readers.
In addition to the increased costs, Deutsche Post also refers to one decreased demand. Many companies have reduced the advertising expenditure for classic brochure advertising and are offering this in digital form.
“We have to react to the development that bricks-and-mortar retailers in particular are reducing their spending on classic weekly brochures for retail advertising,” explains Benjamin Rasch, Head of Marketing for the company’s postal and parcel division (source: daily News).
That recently showed how accurate the words of the Post Manager are Example from Rewe. The supermarket has stamped its flyers. If you want to find out about the current offers, you now have to go online or use the Rewe app. According to Rewe, the end of paper brochures saves 70,000 tons of CO2 and 1.2 million tons of water every year.
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criticism from environmentalists
“Einkaufaktuell” has long been a thorn in the side of environmentalists. For Viola Wohlgemuth from Greenpeae, the bundle of brochures was a “symbol of the outdated German throwaway society.“
I wouldn’t put it as drastically as the Greenpeace lady did. It just annoyed me – and I’m glad that my mailbox will be a little emptier in the coming year.