
Where can you buy a PlayStation 5 now?

The answer to the question of where to buy a PlayStation 5 now gives little hope.

2020 was the year of the next-gen consoles. The new PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X saw the light. Unfortunately, only a select few have been able to get to know the new generation of consoles. Both the PS5 and the XSX are still extremely poorly available in stores.

Perhaps it is a comfort to realize that this problem is not limited to the Netherlands. You cannot speak of stocks all over the world. We are now a few weeks in 2021 and shops still have to say no. Quite frustrating, as it’s naive for companies like Sony and Microsoft to think they didn’t see this coming. Of course, limited availability in the first weeks is manageable, but in the first months?

Buy PlayStation 5? Still not possible ..

The answer to the title of this article is therefore an unsatisfactory one. Because you can hardly go anywhere to buy a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X. Both companies behind the consoles have already indicated that availability could also be disappointing in the first months of this new year. And indeed, they don’t believe about that.

A Dutch webshop like says on the product page of the PS5 that they have no idea when they can expect a new stock. There’s nothing for it but be patient, or hit the F5 button every day. Accessories are (widely) available. You can order a DualSense controller for 69.99 euros today and have it delivered tomorrow. Both Sony and Microsoft have not yet made much public about the prospects. It is hoped that we will all be able to go to the store in April to buy a new PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X.

Are you also waiting smartly for the next generation console, or have you already given up hope?

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