discount for customers with T-Mobile and Ben
Ben customers can now take advantage of benefits if they also have T-Mobile at home. With Ben Customer Benefit, the benefit can add up nicely in this way. This concerns a discount on the invoice and extra data.
Am Customer Benefit
T-Mobile has announced that Ben customers can take advantage of various benefits. It is about benefits of mobile Ben customers. Just like Simpel, Ben belongs to the company T-Mobile, which makes it more interesting to combine services, Tele2 already offered these combi benefits before. The customer benefit makes it (more) attractive for Ben customers to combine internet and TV from T. -Mobile.
In addition, it is possible to combine several Ben mobile subscriptions. Customers with multiple Ben subscriptions at the same address receive 1000MB of extra data every month. Customers who purchase internet and television from T-Mobile and who also have a Ben mobile subscription at the same address will also receive an additional 5.00 euros per month on the bill. T-Mobile has been offering the option of saving money for some time by combining it with customer benefits through its own services.
To be eligible for Ben Customer Benefit as a Ben customer, all participating subscriptions must be registered at the same address. These must also be registered separately for the benefit; important, because this does not happen automatically. You can register for this via Ik Ben or via the Ben app. Customers without a mobile data bundle or those with an unlimited data bundle will not receive extra data, but will count towards discounting other subscribed plans.
Ben’s subscriptions can be ordered via Ben’s website.