The attackers are trying again with fake e-mails from Slovenská pošta. We got one too
Internet fraud has always been, and unfortunately we will most likely not get rid of it. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish whether it is truth or fiction. For example, such a Slovak post office is infamously known for the fact that it is often used by attackers who want to lure money from people.
Our tip
Fraudulent e-mails do not stop: Slovenská pošta repeatedly warns against them
Slovenská pošta commented on the situation
You may remember the article in which we wrote about e-mails that pretended to be from Slovenská pošta. But that was not true. In these e-mails, the fake Slovenská pošta asked for a fee of, for example, € 4.99 for the delivery of a consignment, which, of course, does not exist at all.
If you received such a message in your e-mail box, you would definitely not have to pay anything. The money would go to the fraudsters. The address itself, such as, certainly does not sound trustworthy.
In order to find out that this is a fraud, the Police of the Slovak Republic added that you emphasize things like the transport code, which is the same on all shipments, or the fact that Slovenská pošta never sends a link to pay a certain amount over the Internet. Due to our initiative, Slovenská pošta itself also responded to this situation.
We recorded various fraudulent e-mails and informed the public and the media about it several times through all our available channels, websites, social networks, we also forwarded the information to the media, and there were also reports on TV. The police also pointed this out on their FB page.
We also inform about it on our website through a banner alerting to fake e-mails, clients click on the subpage, which contains all the necessary information on how customers distinguish that it is a fraudulent e-mail. There are also demos on the site of what such fake emails might look like.
On behalf of Slovenská pošta, recipients also receive fraudulent e-mails urging them to pay a customs clearance fee. Even in this case, it is an abuse of the Slovak Post logo, and therefore clients should not respond to such emails. Slovenská pošta never charges fees via e-mail or SMS, even in customs proceedings. The duty and the fee for the customs procedure will be paid by the client directly upon delivery of the consignment.
Should you encounter a similar fraud despite many alerts from several sources, you should contact the law enforcement authorities.
Our tip
Beware of dangerous fraud, you can very easily lose your money