9x the best games for the campsite
Tired of playing pétanque and badminton? Book aside and get out of that camping chair: there are many more fun games for camping.
- Limo-pong. Same as beer pong, yes, but with lemonade. Place six (or more) large cups in a triangle on the camping table and fill them (not too full!) with lemonade. From about two meters away, try to throw a ping pong ball into one of the cups – with or without a bounce. The winner should actually ‘eat’ the beer in the cup, but that is also possible with lemonade. Do you thin it out with gin and tonic after bedtime.
- Blowing giant bubbles. Buy it for next to nothing at the prize blast, and it’s good for endless fun. Who makes the biggest bubble is one challenge (a real pro knows how to make a bubble around a child), but who can pierce it first is even more fun. Oh, one thing: do it out of reach of the tents. Soap suds are disastrous for your tent canvas.
- Nice slapping. Never lost balls and still hit hard with a tennis racket? Can. If you haven’t noticed the phenomenon of tennis poles – in case you are not a seasoned camping guest – buy one now. It also works well in your own backyard. And the tennis teacher wonders how on earth your son’s backhand has improved so much in six weeks.
- Kubb. You can buy ready-made or make your own. In two teams, one team tries to knock over the other team’s wooden blocks with sticks, then the king, in the middle of the two playing fields. Also hilarious with (adult) friends, by the way. And yes, we just give those sticks to our sons – they have to learn to play outside at risk, remember?
- Until the bomb explodes. Water balloons are always good, but with this game you make it a little more than just bullets. Stand in a circle and toss a full balloon. Whoever he hits is out. Oh, and you have to clean up the balloon remains afterwards – because they are of course quite polluting.
- The Werewolves of Wakkerdam. It is a card game, but you play it live. Peaceful citizens battle the werewolves in their midst, but who exactly they are is not clear. The game leader assigns special tasks and powers. The camping area is the playing field, and everyone can join in – at least until you reach the maximum of eighteen players.
- Number bowling. Number the cones from one to six. Or give all red cones one point, the blue two points, and so on. The first player to get exactly fifty points is the winner. And will be the best in class in maths next school year.
- In your buttocks. Doing the laundry on vacation? Joh, use those clothespins for something else. Give each child three clothespins, and make them into a ‘bite’. The first one to have three clothespins on his pants (or shirt or whatever) is out.
- nail shit. An oldie, but no less fun for that. You will need this: an empty bottle, nail (tent pegs also work fine) and a piece of string to hang the nail from. Tie it around your child’s waist and give it a try.
Also read: 11x beach games with kids (no need to lug)
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