
5 times why reading to your child is a fun (and healthy) habit

A good reading book is of course indispensable. You’re always in the right place with the Kek Mama editors’ favorite reading books.

1. Good for vocabulary

Not so surprising, but very nice: reading to children is good for their vocabulary. While listening, they keep discovering new words, which you can then explain. The same goes for the illustrations in the book. Or is it only useful to read to older children? Anything but. Research shows that babies aged 6 to 8 months, who are read to regularly, have better vocabulary than their peers at 12 months of age.

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2. Stimulates empathy

As a bookworm you recognize it: by opening a book, you imagine yourself in another world. And that’s exactly why reading to your kids is so important. They learn to empathize with characters, discover other cultures and new situations.

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3. Kids sleep faster (and better)

Yes, you heard it right: by reading before going to bed, your child will fall asleep faster. And that is of course a lot healthier than sitting in front of the iPad or television until late. In addition, children love structure, so a regular bedtime ritual is extremely important.

4. Better parent-child bond

While trying to keep all the balls up shoot some quality time sometimes with your child. By reading to your child you really take some time for each other. And because you merge into the story together, you develop a stronger emotional bond.

5. Children will read faster on their own

In general, the more often you read aloud, the more fun your child will find it later to read himself. There is no better preparation for (primary) school, right? This is how you help your child learn to read.

Source: RTL News

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