5 questions and answers about hacks on WhatsApp
The chance that you will be hacked via WhatsApp is small, but you regularly read online that ‘WhatsApp has been hacked’. It is then good to take some precautions, because the consequences of a hack can be significant. In this article, we answer the most important questions about WhatsApp hacks and help secure your account.
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WhatsApp hack: 5 questions and answers
Just like in real life, you can never exclude all risks digitally. This became apparent, for example, when Amazon boss Jeff Bezos was found to have been hacked last year. Without realizing it, the CEO had pressed a hacked video message in WhatsApp, so that the content of his messages was shared with others for a long time. In this article, we’ll update you with 5 questions and answers about everything you need to know to avoid such a scenario.
1. WhatsApp hacked: how do you get hacked on WhatsApp?
To get straight to the point: no app is one hundred percent secure. WhatsApp also has vulnerabilities. Malicious persons can use these to hack unsuspecting victims. There is no one fixed formula for this. Amazon leader Bezos, for example, was hacked through a video that secretly contained a virus. Personal data from his phone was then forwarded without his knowledge.
However, you can also be hacked via links sent that lead you to fraudulent websites. The link itself can also contain nasties, such as ransomware. As soon as you tap on the link, your phone will lock and you can’t do anything with it. You then have to pay money to get the unlock code. Criminals can also take over your WhatsApp account remotely via ‘social hacking’. They do this by intercepting the WhatsApp verification code, for example via voicemail. In short: there are countless ways to be hacked via WhatsApp.
Read more: Beware of social hacking: ensure extra security for WhatsApp
2. What is the chance that I will be hacked?
That said, the chances of this actually happening are pretty slim. WhatsApp is generally a very safe chat app. For example, messages are sent encrypted. This allows only you and the recipient to read (or listen/see) the content. In theory, any app can be cracked, but by taking a number of precautions yourself, you significantly reduce this risk.
3. How can I make WhatsApp secure?
The most important step is to set up two-step verification. This sounds complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. As soon as you turn this on, you have to enter a code when registering your phone number. This is separate from WhatsApp. You can read how to set that up below.
How to set up WhatsApp two-step verification:
- Open WhatsApp on your iPhone and go to ‘Settings’;
- Choose ‘Account’ and tap ‘Two-step verification’;
- Tap ‘Enable’ and enter a six-digit PIN;
- Repeat the PIN, enter your email address and tap ‘Next’;
- Repeat your email address and tap ‘Done’;
- Two-step verification is now enabled.
It is also important to secure your WhatsApp profile with a face scan or fingerprint. When opening the app you have to verify that it is you. Depending on your iPhone model, you use Face ID or Touch ID for this.
In the WhatsApp menu, choose ‘Settings’ and tap ‘Account’. Then tap ‘Privacy’ and scroll down. Tap “Screen lock” and slide here. the switch to make opening WhatsApp more secure.

4. How do I know I’ve been hacked?
That’s a good, but tricky question. A hack is not always obvious. Take the story of Bezos: this WhatsApp hack only surfaced after a long time. There are, however, some things to watch out for. Have you noticed that your status has suddenly changed, your profile picture has changed or that conversations have been added that you are not aware of? Then someone else may have access to your account.
It is also advisable to be extra alert when your internet consumption suddenly shoots up. The same applies when voice messages appear in WhatsApp that you have not sent yourself. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to check whether your WhatsApp messages are being shared with others in the background. In addition, most hackers will be quite careful and leave as few traces as possible.

5. How do you undo a WhatsApp hack?
Precautions are important, but come too late when you’ve been hit by a WhatsApp hack. Are you sure you have or had a malicious person targeting you? Then you better err on the side of caution and delete your profile altogether. To do this, go to ‘Account’ in WhatsApp’s settings screen, and then tap on ‘Delete my account’.
Note: when you choose this option, all your personal settings, messages received and sent and any videos and photos will be deleted in WhatsApp. Deleting your WhatsApp profile is therefore only recommended in cases where you are sure that someone has hacked your account. The great thing about this option is that the hacker cannot re-enter through a back door: after all, you have a new profile. Of course, this profile can be hacked again.
If you are not sure whether a virus has settled in your entire iPhone, it is best to perform a factory reset. This erases all your personal data, settings and photos (that are not in iCloud) and you start with a completely clean slate. Check the article below for detailed instructions to restore the factory settings on your iPhone.
Also relevant: This is how you reset the iPhone factory settings
More about WhatsApp
WhatsApp hacked? Or not? It is always wise to secure your WhatsApp and other online accounts. on iPhoned we are happy to help you with this. For example, in our WhatsApp security guide, we explain the best way to lock down your profile.
You may not always realize it, but criminals are also increasingly using the popular chat app. For example, more and more fraud is being committed via. Read our article on WhatsApp fraud to learn more about it.