12 GB LTE, Allnet & SMS flat rate for €10 – can be canceled monthly

If you are looking for a mobile phone tariff that can be canceled on a monthly basis with as much data volume as possible, then you should take a look at sim.de. There you can get a whopping 12 GB LTE including Allnet and SMS flat rate for a mere 9.99 euros per month for a short time.
12 GB, Allnet & SMS flat rate for €10 per month at sim.de
At sim.de you can currently get a SIM-only mobile phone tariff with all 12 GB LTE data volume included Allnet and SMS flat rate for only 9.99 euros per month (view offer at sim.de). The tariff is monthly cancellable and therefore perfect for anyone who already owns a smartphone and wants to stay flexible. The connection price is 19.99 euros and does not apply if you choose 24 months directly. But be careful: The tariff deal is only valid until November 8th (11 a.m.).
The details of the tariff at a glance:
- Provider: sim.de (Drillisch)
- Network: o2
- 12GB LTE-Data volume (max. 50 MBit/s)
- Allnet and SMS flat rate
- EU roaming included
- Basic fee per month: 9.99 euros
- Monthly cancellable
- Provision fee: EUR 19.99 (not applicable for 24-month contract)
- Automatic data: yes (can be switched off)
Prepaid or monthly terminable, which is the better choice? Find out in this video:
For whom is the tariff deal from sim.de worthwhile?
The offer is worthwhile for anyone who already owns a smartphone and also needs the right tariff. For only 9.99 euros a month you get an all-round carefree package that is absolutely sufficient for everyday use: EU roaming for travel and an all-network and SMS flat rate to be able to make unlimited calls and text messages. 12 GB of data volume is easily enough for common applications such as mobile surfing, streaming music or films or chatting on the go. Power users who are really on the go a lot should rather take the offer with 60 GB for 24.99 euros at sim.de. Also note that 5G is not included.
Missed the offer? Here we have summarized all flexible tariff deals for you:
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