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💣Explosion of Swiss gambling addiction for 3 years

Gambling is a popular pastime in many parts of the world and particularly in Switzerland. Whether you’re hitting up a game of poker with a few friends or heading to a casino to try your hand at blackjack, there’s no denying that gambling is a fun way to pass the time. However, there are those who take it to the extreme and who end up becoming addicted.

In effectthe number of people addicted to gambling has exploded since legalization online gambling in Switzerland 3 years ago (January 2019). It is now one of the most prolific addictions in the country and according to the Federal Gaming Commissionthis increase is due to the opening of new online casinos. The government reacted by putting in place certain measures to help these people and allowed institutions to give addicts a way out (exclusion). However, it is not certain that these measures will a recent survey has shown that the number of people addicted to gambling in Switzerland continues to increase. In this articlewe talk about some of the key aspects of the problem with a expert (measures taken to curb expansion, gambling exposure, risk factors, etc.).

Gambling addiction in Switzerland (young people, measures taken to curb this scourge)

According to recent CFMJ studies, a total of 72,322 people were banned from casinos in Switzerland in 2020 (in person and online). This figure represents an increase of 10,870 people compared to 2019 figures, which increased by 4,836 people. According to the Federal Gambling Commission, this increase is undoubtedly due to the opening of new online gambling sites.

Among these excluded, we unfortunately find several young people under the age of 30 whose debts greatly exceed 50,000 francs. Their main Achilles’ heel, recovering lost money at the casino. They always tell themselves that they are going to win big (and why not the jackpot) so that they can catch up with all their bills and all their debts by continuing to play gambling. Unfortunately, luck ends up not turning in their favor.

And among these excluded, we find this 27-year-old Neuchâtel resident who has agreed to speak candidly about his addiction issues. On the site of MaRTS, he reveals that his biggest problem was winning at a very young age. He adds that if he continues to hang around in this spiral of addictive gambling, it is certainly because, if he has to pay 400 CHF (debt), he prefers to use it to try to win 4,000 CHF at the casino. And despite therapy, he has not yet given up gambling.

Young people are most at risk

The Lausanne authorities are concerned about the effects that will result from the creation of a new casino in the heart of the city by 2024. In fact, those responsible for the project have clearly indicated that slot machines will represent around 75% of the turnover. business of the new casino. And according to Grégoire Junod, it is the young people who are at the center of their attention. Despite the fact that there is a possibility of becoming addicted to gambling, the Confederation and the cantons do not plan to get rid of lotteries and casinos. This is due to the fact that the AVS and other projects benefiting the entire local population receive the majority of the billion Swiss francs that are generated each year by these games of chance.

Indeed, the money is used for the benefit of the entire population of the canton of Neuchâtel, which receives an average of 4 million francs per year from the casino.

Measures taken to curb the spread of gambling addiction

And in order to curb the spread of gambling addiction, the authorities of the canton of Neuchâtel, through Florence Nater (State Councilor of Neuchâtel), plan to play a much more active role in prevention and change the way these actions are carried out. They also intend to carry out an assessment of the resources that have been set aside in order to combat this scourge which affects the Swiss population.

At the federal level, there have already been some parliamentary interventions calling for a much stricter limitation of gambling advertising. This request is made in collaboration with the prevention community.

Common risk factors for gambling addiction

If a family member, friend, or spouse enjoys gambling, you may be wondering whether to worry about it. What will happen if they become addicted to gambling? Anyway, who is at risk of developing a gambling addiction? Scientists aren’t sure what usually causes gambling addiction, but they identified the risk factors next :

  • Early gains: If a person wins big in their first gambling experiences, they can expect to win again in the future.
  • Age and pressure from loved ones: Young people are more likely to develop a gambling addiction than adults. Teenagers and young adults can develop a gambling addiction for several reasons: Self-esteem, entertainment, stress, etc. Furthermore, If anyone has any friends or members of his family who play, he is likely to play too.
  • Mental health disorders: Having a mental health disorder such as depression can make a person more prone to gambling addiction, especially if they are not receiving treatment for the problem.
  • The age at which a person begins to gamble: Previous studies have shown that most adults with a gaming disorder started gambling when they were teenagers.
  • The gender: Anyone can develop a gambling problem, whether it’s a man or a woman. Yet, according to recent studies, men have a higher risk of problem gambling than women in all age groups.
  • Medications : People taking medications called dopamine agonists may feel the urge to gamble. Dopamine agonists are used to treat Parkinson’s disease, restless leg syndrome, and other illnesses.
  • The stress : For many people, gambling is a way to relax and deal with overwhelming stress. A person may start gambling in response to a life stressor, such as relationship problems, financial pressures, chronic illness, or a traumatic event.


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