‘We clapped our hands’
Photography: Kee & Kee
Kirsten Schilder (39) is married to singer Nick Schilder and mother of Nikki (12), Julian (10) and Jackie (6).
Jackie came home from school beaming: she had become writer of the week. The teacher had said that Jackie had tried so hard, that she had written the letter SCH so beautifully, that she had been proud to show her writing to all the students. A photo was even taken of it that was allowed to hang on the door of her classroom for a week. All the children were very impressed by her beautiful handwriting, they even clapped for her.
Jackie bounced as she told me how it all went, and she grew, at least two inches. Because that’s what appreciation does: you’re in the spotlight for a while because you’ve done something nice, something clever or something sweet and you rise above yourself a bit. That enthusiastic clapping motivates to do something like that again, even better next time.
We applaud quite often at home. When we tried to potty train our dog Doefie and Nikki managed to get her to pee outside, for example. Along the line when Julian plays football and scores on Saturday mornings and even when my mother sees her signature quiche serves. They are all moments of appreciation.
“We experienced it, stood along the line, encouraged, clapped our hands”
These days Nick gets a very big round of applause. Now are the very last six concerts of Nick & Simon. After seventeen years of composing together, making music and traveling through the country, first playing in small venues and growing, getting better, performing in ever larger venues and saying goodbye with ever-greater applause. What a journey, what an adventure.
We experienced it, stood along the line, encouraged, clapped our hands. Seventeen years of Nick & Simon, that also deserves a very festive round of applause. Then, when the last cheer has died down, we clap again at home when Nick has conjured up a delicious breakfast for the children!
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