Unbound – EA massively reduces the price
Patience is not only a virtue, it’s also easy on your wallet – Need for Speed Unbound is currently proving that. EA’s new racing game only started a month ago, but the racer is already being offered at various retailers at a much lower price.
Need for Speed Unbound is now available for EUR 39.99
Publisher EA called a whopping 70 euros on the PC and even 80 euros on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S for its new racing game at the start of Need for Speed Unbound. If you grabbed the Palace Edition, you could even pay 10 euros more.
Back then, probably nobody had thought that the price of NfS Unbound would go down so quickly. However, potential buyers can currently for just 39.99 euros have the PC version of the street racer delivered to your home via Amazon (check it out on Amazon).
This pleases fans who have waited a little longer to buy, but players from the very beginning should be annoyed by this step. Because they paid more than 40 percent more just a few weeks ago.
But not only the PC version is currently available for much cheaper. Also Xbox player can save tons of money buying Need for Speed Unbound from Amazon right now. Because the console version is there for 47.99 euros instead of 79.99 euros available for purchase (see Amazon). This corresponds to a discount of 40 percent.
And how about that PS5 version the end? You can get it at a great discount from Otto. Here, too, 47.99 euros are called, but there are also 2.95 euros shipping costs for the delivery (take a look at Otto). Bottom line, however, still almost 30 euros cheaper than 4 weeks ago.
Some fans find NfS Unbound’s anime style a little hard to get used to. What do you think? In the trailer you can see the corresponding game scenes:
Need for Speed Unbound price drop at a glance

A quick look at the price history of Need for Speed Unbound shows: The racing hit is already there available for about two weeks at this price. A rapid drop in the price of video games is nothing new for gamers – the fact that the sales price of Need for Speed Unbound has slipped so suddenly speaks volumes.
The assumption is that the game Didn’t sell as well as EA and retailers expected in the first few weeks and they have therefore started to reduce the sales price of Need for Speed Unbound rapidly. It remains to be seen how long this cross-platform discount campaign will continue.