Android updates

TuneFab: a converter for Spotify

Do you have a Spotify account? Like almost everyone, and you necessarily know that it is only possible to save songs in the paid version of the software or app, which is rather logical. With the software TuneFab on Windows or Mac, no need to put your hand in your pocket: you can download the songs of your choice directly onto your hard drive and then transfer them to your mobile, your tablet, a USB key for car radio, etc. But even if you have a paid account, you might want to grab your favorite tunes in the format you want to listen to on your device of choice. Indeed, without Android Auto, you cannot enjoy your songs in your car, for example. Listen anytime and anywhere on your mobile device!


Download from Spotify in MP3 format

And there’s really nothing rocket science about how TuneFab works. Launch the program and connect your Spotify account to the software: you will then find the same web interface as if you launched Spotify on a browser. If you already have an account, even free, you will recover all your preferences and playlists. Launch a selection or an album and copy-move the tracks of your choice in the green area at the bottom right. These will be stored in a secondary window, pending. When you have made your selection, all you have to do is choose the output format (MP3, FLAC, WAV or M4A) and the destination location for the files. There you go, you have downloaded songs from Spotify to a compressed format!


An all-in-one mobile solution?

You don’t have a computer or you find that downloading to transfer files on mobile is not that practical? Know that it is possible to do it directly from your mobile with “Spotify mod”, modified versions of Spotify in APK format to install directly on your Android mobile. You just have to authorize the mobile to install an app to this format and choose the mod that suits you best.


The + of TuneFab:

  • A single interface to do everything!
  • No need for a paid Spotify account
  • Find your Spotify playlists by connecting your account

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