TousAntiCovid crosses the 20 million downloads mark
Very much criticized in its early days (often rightly so), the app AllAntiCovid (App Store link – Free – iPhone) nevertheless ended up being massively adopted by a large part of the French population. The TousAntiCovid Twitter account tells us that the tracking and information app has been downloaded more than 20 million times! It must be said that by dint of updates, the app has become frankly interesting, and not only for its contact case tracing functions. The app now allows you to scan a QR Code (and / or QR Code for the location), find a vaccination center near your home, and above all provide general information on the state of the pandemic in France and in its department. (number of people vaccinated, real blood pressure, new cases, Ro, incidence rate, positivity rate, number of people notified, etc.).
One of these statistics is wrong 🤔
– N’Golo KantĂ© ran 47.8 km for #HONFRA
– 20 million French people have downloaded #AllAntiCovid👇👇👇
– TousAntiCovid (@TousAntiCovid) June 20, 2021