
Tips for your first cycling holiday

Are you planning to go on a cycling holiday or are you considering a holiday by bicycle? A small selection of the advantages of this are: you are nice outside, it is physically and mentally healthy and you do not need a lot of budget for this.

If you are going on a cycling holiday for the first time, there are a number of points that you should take into account. Which bike do you need? And which saddle is the best? In this blog you can read the most important tips for your cycling holiday.

#1 Important points when choosing a bike

If you decide to go on a cycling holiday within Europe, it is not necessary to choose the most expensive bicycle. It is important that the frame fits your leg length and that it has a nice saddle at the right distance from the handlebars. It is best to go for a men’s bicycle instead of a women’s bicycle.

To choose the right holiday bike, it is best to pay attention to the following 5 points:

  • Wheel size and tire width: Are you going to cycle within the EU? Then it is advisable to purchase a bicycle with narrow or wide tires with 28 inches. Outside the EU it is recommended to have 28 inch wide tires. If you plan to cycle a lot on unpaved roads, it is advisable to choose wide tires with 27.5 or 28 inches.
  • Type of gear system: The choice of a gear system mainly depends on the budget for your bicycle. With a budget of about 2,500 euros, a derailleur system from Shimano Deore or Shimano XT is recommended. With a budget of more than 1,000 euros, the low-maintenance gear hub from Rohloff is the best.
  • Choice of chain or belt drive: a chain needs a drop of oil every now and then to be able to use it again with pleasure. An alternative to the chain is the toothed belt. This generally lasts longer and you will not be bothered by oil residues during maintenance. You do pay 300 to 500 euros more for this.
  • Brakes: Old-fashioned rim brakes with rubber pads between the rim are still preferred. Prefer a more powerful brake? Then the hydraulic rim brakes are an excellent option.
  • Relief: Good lighting on your bike is necessary to be able to travel safely. Not only are you clearly visible to other road users, you can also illuminate dark roads yourself. You can choose battery lighting or a quality hub dynamo with a good headlight. The hub dynamo is the safest option.

#2 Choice saddle

A choice for the ideal saddle is very personal. There is no such thing as a perfect saddle for everyone. Each person has a different build. Most holiday cyclists prefer a leather saddle. A gel saddle is often experienced as unpleasant in hot weather. Saddle pain has to do with the choice of a saddle, but also with your own sitting position and the adjustment of your saddle.

#3 Good cycling equipment

Good cycling equipment goes beyond just a good bike. For example, you can choose to purchase cycling shoes with SPDs. These are pictures that you can click on your pedals. But good rain pants and raincoat are also wise to take with you during your cycling holiday.

Don’t forget to buy a good helmet! With a good bicycle helmet you can prevent serious injuries in a simple way. A bicycle helmet reduces the risk of serious injury in the event of a collision or fall by 60%. In addition, with a good helmet you have 70% less chance of a fatal head or brain injury.

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