
This maglev train levitates “forever” without the addition of electricity

Researchers in China developed a magnetic levitation train that, due to its design, can levitate “forever”. External energy is not required for this.

How will we get around in the near future? It will probably be some time before autonomous vehicles are fully on the roads. But how can local public transport keep up with the comfortable car? Possibly offers a concept from China the answer to all these questions.

Magnetic levitation has not yet been an alternative to public transport

Conventional maglev trains rely on electric magnets that push the train off the tracks. The resistance between train and track is therefore almost zero. Nevertheless, the magnets require a lot of energy. In addition, the components such as tracks are comparatively expensive.

However, the “Red Rail” is a new type of magnetic levitation train. The new system from China is based on permanent magnets. These do not require any additional energy to make the train levitate. Theoretically, it should be possible to let the body float “forever” with up to 88 people. Only the railcar requires electricity.

Currently, locomotion is possible at up to 80 kilometers per hour. Further tests should increase this value to 120 kilometers per hour.

Construction loses only five percent magnetic force in 100 years

The advantages of the construction are obvious. No energy is required for the actual process of levitation. This saves immense costs in the long term. Furthermore, the expansion of the line should be quick and cost only about a tenth of a subway line.

What makes the magnets so special?

Regular, magnetized iron weakens over time. If, on the other hand, you add rare earths to the iron, the construct loses only five percent of its magnetic force in 100 years.

As well as the technology works, there is one problem: China sits on most rare earths. Without the participation of the state, it is therefore rather unlikely to implement such a project.

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