
this is why you must wear this crown on King’s Day

A Tikkie QRoon on your head is the perfect way to earn some extra pocket money this King’s Day. This is why.

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Tap QRoon

While cash is all but extinct on most days of the year, on King’s Day we seem to be returning en masse to the 1980s. On the cozy flea markets, old-fashioned notes and coins are the payment method to expand your collection of things. That could be more modern, right?

Because it is difficult to give every child with a blanket with stuff a high-tech ATM, there is now the Tikkie QRoon. You equip this crown with a QR code from your Tikkie account, after which others can scan it to pay you. And if you receive the most payments from everyone during King’s Day, your turnover will be doubled by Tikkie.

Request Tikkie QRoon

You can request the Tikkie QRoon for free via the Tikkie website. You only need to enter your address details. You can then print the QR code yourself. For that you have to go through these steps:

  1. Open Tikkie on your iPhone;
  2. Tap the ‘+’;
  3. Choose a fixed amount that people can pay, or let them choose themselves;
  4. Tap on ‘Next’, put ‘#King’s Day’ in the description and tap on ‘Next’ again;
  5. The QR code will now appear. You can print it with the ‘Print or share’ button at the bottom.

Then it is a matter of cutting out the QR code and pasting it on the Tikkie QRoon. Done: dock!




Other QR code

Of course you can also stick a different QR code on your QRoon. For example, turn it into a social crown by placing the QR code of your WhatsApp on it! For example, that one nice lady or boy you met on King’s Night can immediately add your number. You can find the code in WhatsApp under ‘Settings’ by tapping the QR icon next to your name. A link to your Tinder profile is of course also possible: you turn it into a QR code with qrcodemonkey.

And if you prefer to donate to a good cause, a QR code for Giro 555 is also included with the Tikkie Qroon.

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