This is what you will see on Ali Express if you search on iPhone 13
Does Ali Express have any nice or interesting offers if you just bought an iPhone 13?
Ali Express and Apple. Those are two extremes. Apple has luxury devices with a hefty price tag, while you surf to Ali for the best bargains. But if you have just spent a lot of money on an iPhone 13, we can imagine that you are looking for good deals on, for example, Ali Express. We put it to the test by sifting through the offer.
No diverse offer on Ali Express for iPhone 13 search term
If you expect to find a lot of accessories, you will come home from a cold fair. It’s cases, lots of cases. In all shapes and sizes. From cheap silicone covers to more expensive variants that represent leather. Not sure if that’s real leather. You will probably only find out when the thing has been shipped to the Netherlands.
Prices still low
Despite the stricter regulations of July 2021, the prices are not that bad. You can still find a case for a few euros including free shipping. That is a lot cheaper than, for example, buying a case via Apple, where you quickly have to spend a few tens of euros. Refurbished smartphones are also offered on the same Ali Express, but our tip is not to just buy it. There are plenty of Dutch alternatives and real shops where you can try out the smartphone.