This is already going to change in your Netflix subscription this year
Major (controversial) changes would already take place for Netflix in 2022: this will probably change for users and subscribers.
Netflix was one of the first to make streaming as we know it big. Relatively little has changed since then. Yes, titles come and go, but the approach is more or less the same. You pay a monthly fee and have access to everything. All movies, all series, without commercials and to share with three friends/family members. Yet all of that is under attack. Things are about to change dramatically for Netflix, and sources say that will happen as early as 2022. You need to know this.
Share account finito
We’ll start with where we ended the previous paragraph: account sharing. When you take out a Netflix subscription, you can divide the subscription into four users. Ideal for family, for example: one account for each family member. Then each account gets its own algorithm, its own recommendations and its own watch list. That’s the first thing you can say goodbye to. One account per subscription on one device at a time. This is to make it more attractive for those who ‘borrow’ your account to take out their own subscription. More accounts on one subscription is possible, but only on a more expensive subscription. This is how Netflix takes extra money out of their users.
Commercial break
That’s not for nothing. The figures are disappointing at Netflix, as is known, the company experienced a decline in the number of users for the first time in ten years. This is also noticed in the company coffers of Netflix. A solution is to put a cheaper subscription under the regular subscription, supported by advertising. This way, potential users who find it too expensive are catered for, provided they are okay with advertisements in the service.
At the end of this year
Even though these plans have been mentioned before, it is now reported that these changes are already planned for the end of 2022. You will not notice the cheap subscription as a current paying user, but sharing accounts will probably disappear. (via New York Times)