These are the 10 biggest advertising icons in Germany
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Advertising is vital to most businesses. In the campaigns, we often encounter striking personalities who shape the face of a brand. In our weekly ranking, we therefore show you the ten largest advertising icons in Germany.
A successful advertising campaign can not only boost a company’s sales, but also anchor itself in our minds in the long term. It is above all the so-called advertising icons, i.e. people who are known through advertising, that stick in our minds.
These are the biggest advertising icons in Germany
Even though many an advertising face has long since retired, we want to take a look at the biggest icons in German advertising history. Because some of them have shaped a brand image over generations.
10. Marlboro Man
The Marlboro man is definitely one of the internationally best-known advertising icons. Charlie Conerly was the first man to stand in front of the camera. Robert Norris also embodied the advertising icon for twelve years. As a character, the men represented stereotypical masculinity and an independent lifestyle.
10. Marlboro Man. ( Screenshot / YouTube)
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