‘The feeling of wanting to make up for lost time still dominates’
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Bas de Greef (38) is married to Ellen (36) and father of Hannah (3).
“Before I met Ellen eight years ago, I never thought about becoming a father. But with her it felt right and the decision to go for it really came together between us. During our last big trip, a trip along the American west coast, Ellen felt ‘different’ and so she took a test. We found out she was pregnant in that hotel room in Arizona.”
We’re allowed again
“Hannah was born in February 2020, a few weeks after that we were in a lockdown. We spent a lot of time at home during the first two years of her life, because everything was closed. I notice that that makes me really enjoy going out with her a lot: to the zoo, the playground, the cinema. That feeling of wanting to make up for lost time is still prevalent.”
“The coolest thing about being a father is watching my child grow. Every step is fun to watch. A few weeks ago, Hannah only scratched paper, now she does her best to color figures neatly. She also talks better and better, although she can’t say everything she wants yet. This sometimes leads to frustration and tantrums. I then try to remain as calm as possible, in the hope that my peace will radiate to her.”
“Sometimes I have to laugh really hard at Hannah. For example, she has the habit of literally pushing visitors out the door when she has had enough. Just do what you feel like without a filter, isn’t it great?”

What is wisdom
“Soon we have to choose a primary school for Hannah. This raises doubts: are we doing the right thing, are we making the right choice? As a parent you do your best, and that’s all you can do. I can’t believe she’s going to school in a year. She really isn’t a baby anymore and I find that difficult sometimes. Time flies, she grows up so fast.”
Also read – How to prepare your child for primary school >
Good job
“Since I became a father, I have gained even more appreciation for my parents. They have given me a carefree childhood and I hope to be able to create the same for my daughter. It’s great how my parents used to release me, I already know that I’m going to find that difficult with Hannah. I understand that she wants to discover the nightlife later, that’s part of it. But I am one of those fathers who comes to pick her up by car in the middle of the night.”
“The three of us are super happy and don’t feel the desire for another child. I myself grew up as an only child and I have never seen that as a loss. That means that I myself am not afraid not to give Hannah a brother or sister. It’s fine this way.”

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