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The best FPS games since they appeared


Why are FPS games so popular?

FPS games are one of the most popular genres in gaming. There are many reasons why FPS games have such a large number of fans. Some people love FPS games because they can play as someone who has to use their skills to defend themselves and others from enemies. Other people like them because they can be really competitive and like to see how well they can do against other players online. And some people love them because they feel powerful with every move they make, eliminating the frustration that comes with playing a game for a long time. It’s also very common for FPS games to be very immersive, so you feel like you’re actually in the game world and not just playing it from your computer or phone screen.


The complete guide to the best FPS games of all time

  • Call of Duty Call of Duty was first released in 2003 and is currently the highest grossing video game franchise of all time. Call of Duty released its thirteenth installment, Black Ops 4, on October 12. Call of Duty is considered one of the best FPS games of all time because it has a long history and great success. The game has an expansive and mature story that is interesting and complex. The game is available for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Mac OS X;
  • Counter Strike CS:GO is a popular first-person shooter created by Valve Corporation in 2012. CS:GO features a wide range of maps and game modes spread across various locations around the world, including villages in the Middle East and military bases in Russia. The game is played competitively online, with a large number of competitive tournaments and leagues, some of which have been sponsored by companies such as Intel and HyperX. The game has a large and mature story that is interesting and complex. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on October 21, 2012. A Nintendo Switch port was released on September 5, 2017;
  • “League of Legends” is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game in which two teams of five players compete to destroy the opposing team’s bond while defending their own. Players control one of over a hundred champion characters and are tasked with using their abilities to defeat the opposing team or prevent their own from being destroyed. The game was released in 2009 by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and has since been ported to macOS, iOS, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. “League of Legends” is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game in which two teams of five players compete to destroy the “bond” of the other team. The objective is achieved by a player-controlled character interacting with an environment to kill invisible enemies, called minions or monsters, and then defending their own “bond” against enemy attacks. “

Why this craze for FPS

Many people are very interested in the FPS genre as they can play it on their phones and laptops. A lot of people don’t have a PS4 or Xbox One, so they use their phones, tablets, and laptops. But many still wonder why this new craze for FPS.


The dangers of FPS games for young people

FPS games are often violent and can increase the risk of aggressive behavior and antisocial tendencies in young people. Those who spend a lot of time playing FPS games often have a decrease in empathy, which means they feel less for others and don’t care about hurting them.

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