
‘The Batman’ Coming to HBO Max Release Date Announced

Warner Bros

HBO Max comes with bangers from series and movies. The Batman is one of them and we know the release date.

And you don’t have to wait long: The Batman arrives on HBO Max starting next month. Thanks to an apparent technical glitch, the information has become known, so we can expect The Batman at home at the end of April. The Deadline website reported and screened the data before it was removed from the HBO website.

The Batman on HBO Max

The DC hit will arrive on HBO Max on Tuesday, April 19, and on all HBO service providers on Saturday, April 23. At least that’s the rumor right now but it seems these are accurate. The Batman is now in theaters and Deadline notes that it is on track in terms of attendance. A success that will continue on the streaming service. The aim is of course to get this kind of blockbuster on the tube in order to get as many users as possible.

The Batman follows the agreement for 2022, which states that Warner Bros. releases will be made available for home video consumption 45 days into their theatrical period. A change from last year’s day-and-date release schedule. With the buzz surrounding the film, this seemingly accidental revelation has only added to the hype for the film franchise’s future since its release.

Even more spin-offs

Last week, HBO Max announced the series order for the spin-off series The Penguin starring Colin Farrell. The show will follow Oswald Cobblepot as he rises after the events of The Batman’s final act. So we can expect a lot on HBO Max in the near future.

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