That’s how yellow the latest iPhone is – and you can order it now
From now on you can order it: the yellow iPhone 14 (Plus). But how yellow is actually yellow? We are going to investigate.
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Yellow iPhone 14 (Plus)
Last week there were already the necessary rumors about it, and on Tuesday it was finally revealed: the yellow iPhone 14 (Plus). Just like previous years, when the green iPhone 13 and purple iPhone 12 were announced, for example, it is only about a fresh look for spring. Nothing else has changed on the inside. In total, the iPhone 14 is now available in six colors, with blue, purple, black, white and red in addition to yellow.
That’s how yellow the iPhone 14 (Plus) is
But how yellow is the new yellow iPhone 14 exactly? It’s hard to say without comparing it to something. If we add some objects that are all too familiar to the average Dutch person, it soon becomes clear that this search is more difficult than we had expected. A banana, an NS train, a scourer and a Pokémon Yellow cartridge: each of them is a much darker yellow.
But which object does share its color with the yellow iPhone 14? Let’s take a big shot: we use the macOS Digital Color Meter to measure the color of the iPhone, and then enter the color into Google. Then you still get a few matches. As far as we’re concerned, we’ve made it: the iPhone 14 has almost the same yellow color as traditional Dutch vanilla custard.

MKBHD is conducting further investigation
Unlike iPhoned well-known tech YouTuber MKBHD already owns a yellow iPhone 14, and was therefore able to put it next to some physical yellow objects. You can see his findings in the video below.
Buy yellow iPhone 14
The yellow iPhone 14 can be ordered from Friday, March 10 at 2:00 PM, and will be in stores on Tuesday, March 14. You can get it from € 1016 – the yellow iPhone 14 Plus is available from € 1166. You can buy both versions via the stores below:
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