
Solar systems on school grounds supply up to 590 families

The expansion of renewable energy is making great strides. Dozens of new projects are planned around the world every year, so it’s no wonder that sun and wind will have to replace coal or gas in the long term. A major project was inaugurated in Taiwan on October 30th, which could also set a precedent in this country: the country’s largest solar stadium went into operation.

With a capacity of 2 megawatts, the structure can provide long-term electricity for up to 590 families per year, provided the sun shines regularly and the system is efficient. A total of US $ 4.3 million was invested in sustainable energy on the Taoyuan High School site.

Energy from wind and sun is our future.

The system can generate up to 5,913 kilowatt hours per day; compared to conventional generation, over 1,000 tons of CO₂ emissions are saved. To make the car comparison, the campaign would theoretically compensate for around 380 vehicles on the roads, so it is more of a small contribution.

Eight free-standing systems are set up on basketball, volleyball and tennis courts, and five systems are installed on roofs. This has completed the first of a series of other ambitious projects, and other sustainable plants with capacities of up to 300 megawatts are to be built in the future. So small projects add up to a big contribution to our planet.

Via Energy trend

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