Sex after a caesarean section: you need to know
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In the case of a vaginal delivery, it is recommended to wait at least six weeks before having sex. But what about a cesarean section? And what should you take into account? We list the most important information.
Well, with broken nights, a thousand new impressions and a recovering body, we can imagine that you shouldn’t know anything about sex for a while. As soon as you are ready, you have to take this into account.
Sex after caesarean section
Gynecologists and obstetricians advise not to have sex in the first six weeks after delivery, even after a caesarean section. This has to do with the cervix, which is not yet closed properly before that time and – in the case of a vaginal delivery – the risk of infections due to stitches. down under. A caesarean section is a serious procedure that you have to recover from – some longer than others. In addition, you may suffer from the abdominal wound. In any case, it is important that you stop bleeding before having sex again, because blood loss increases the risk of infections.
Ready or not ready for sex
The fact that you are allowed to roll around again according to the book, of course, does not mean that you feel like it. “Some people are not interested in sex after surgery — often because of pain, fatigue, stress or medication — and others are more interested in it because it relieves the pain and stress,” sex and relationship expert Jess O’Reilly told Scary Mommy. Whatever you feel, don’t judge and don’t put any pressure on yourself. “If you’re not ready to have sex yet, even with your gynaecologist’s approval, that’s okay too. You don’t have to start right away. Take your time.”
Also read: This is what you need to know about sex during pregnancy
Start carefully
Are the six weeks over and are you ready for some tension between the sheets? Then start carefully, indicate what you (don’t) like and – also nice in those hectic months – let yourself be pampered. Don’t immediately fold yourself into all kinds of impossible positions if you don’t feel the need to or simply don’t succeed. Make yourself comfortable and choose a comfortable position, for example by spooning or leaning against something. No need for penetration? Fine. Then get started with hands, mouths or toys. Or experiment with solo sex. In short: take your time and do what makes you feel good.
Source:, Ouders van Nu, Scary Mommy, De Verloskundige
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