Savebritney wants to support pop star with crypto campaign
Britney Spears has been under her father’s tutelage for over 13 years. The pop star is now receiving support in the form of a crypto campaign from the Savebritney fan project. However, there are doubts about the seriousness of the action.
The makers apply with a trailer that is around two minutes long: inside the project Savebritney in her Telegram group a crypto plan for Britney Spears. This is to support the 39-year-old in taking action against her paternalism. The singer has been under the tutelage of her father, Jamie Spears, who rules her fortune and decisions for over 13 years. Your fortune is said to be loud insider Totaled $ 59 million in 2018. Of that, she spent $ 1.1 million on legal and guardianship fees. Part of it goes to her father too, saying he was loud ET Got $ 128,000.
Savebritney supporters are to acquire tokens based on Ethereum blockchain technology. The links created for this on the website do not yet work; if you click on them, only “Coming% 20soon” is displayed. That may be because the coin is only available soon from Uniswap should be. The project is to benefit from eleven percent of the trading volume. According to the website, three percent of this should go directly to Britney Spears, seven percent would be put into marketing and one percent should go to all token holders per transaction.
Inconsistencies in how much money should go to the singer
However, there is some confusion about these numbers. It is still unclear what will happen to the remaining 80 percent or more. Also in a Whitepaper other numbers mentioned: accordingly, five percent should go to the pop star and eleven percent flow into marketing. This whitepaper also states that Spears should get the money “in their specially designed wallet”. It is unclear whether Spears knows about it and even knows this wallet. It is also not known who is behind the action.
The security of the token also raises questions. The website advertises the review by the Solid Group, which is supposed to offer Savebritney investors security. The Solid Group active on Twitter refers in one at GitHub published PDF file on the other hand, that they cannot guarantee the safety and functionality of the technology they are testing.
Telegram group is used to advertise the action
In the on the website linked Telegram group A user named “The Liberator” takes over the communication. This account posts the trailer described, for example, or draws attention to celebrity campaigns. Members of the group had to guess what notoriety Savebritney supports (it was a participant in a well-known dating show). He also asks to like and share tweets from the Savebritney Twitter account. He also advertises that there will be many more surprises. How these should look like, whether Britney Spears knows the action and can even get to the wallet, is questionable.
Freebritney movement suspected: singer lives under duress
Her father’s guardianship has been publicly discussed for some time. The Hulu documentary “Framing Britney Spears”, published in 2021 with the support of the New York Times, gave the subject a new impetus. The film also introduces the Freebritney movement. She suspects that the artist is under guardianship against her will and cannot decide freely.
At the end of June 2021, Britney Spears will speak in court in Los Angeles, which will decide on guardianship, and shares how badly she is doing with guardianship. In leaked recordings on Youtube can be heard talking about having been forced to go to shows, having worked hard for days and finally being portrayed as denying a dance step as if she had boycotted the project entirely. “I’m not here to be a slave, I can say no to a dance step,” she says in her statement in court.
Britney Spears: Guardianship is “abusive”
It was a lie that she was fine, they were ashamed of the circumstances. “I really believe this guardianship is abusive,” she says. In her more than 20-minute monologue, she compares dealing with her in the context of guardianship with “sex work” and reports on having been prescribed lithium. Among other things, she demands privacy, a change of appointments with her therapist and the possibility that her hormone IUD is removed so that she can have children. Her main concern: the end of guardianship.
It is precisely in this project that she apparently wants to support Savebritney – although it is unclear how serious these efforts are. In addition to the project, there is also another one on the Internet Crypto idea, who acknowledges her support for the singer, but does not advertise by passing on money to the artist, but rather donating a small percentage of it for women’s rights. The crypto market seems to want to take advantage of the pop star’s attention. Maybe that’s because entrepreneur Elon Musk also expresses public support. His tweet “Free Britney” is making waves on the internet.
Guardianship does not end yet
In addition to Musk, other celebrities have already shown themselves to be supporters, Madonna is also committed to the singer. All the attention has not changed anything for Britney Spears: After the hearings, the court decided to maintain guardianship. It rejected a request from the singer’s lawyer from September 2020 that the latest statements were not included. So the fight for guardianship continues. Freebritney followers: meanwhile, keep mobile using hashtags like #cryptohelpsbritney and #savebritney, now also on the crypto market. The seriousness and security of the token are questionable in these actions.