
Pregnant? Sleep just a little better with these simple tips

Turning around, peeing, different position, staring at the ceiling, peeing again: when you’re pregnant, sleeping is sometimes a whole uh, childbirth. And that while you can use that sleep well. Therefore: a few handy tips to sleep better during your pregnancy.

Worth a try, right?

1. Get a pregnancy pillow

Very nice such a belly, but less practical to sleep with. To make yourself a little more comfortable, a pregnancy pillow is a great solution. For example, place it between your legs to support your back. Don’t want to buy a special pregnancy pillow? A nursing pillow or a few normal pillows also help. Extra tip: try to lie on your left side during your pregnancy. This way the flow of your blood to the placenta is at its best.

2. Drink enough, but not right before bed

If you have just found the right position, your bladder must be emptied again. sigh. The bigger your belly, the more often you have to pee. While you can’t completely avoid getting out at night, you can do something to reduce the frequency. Drinking enough water is important, especially during pregnancy, but don’t down a few glasses of water just before going to bed.

Also read: These pregnant women really don’t have an easy day

3. Eat small portions

Another culprit: heartburn. Many women suffer from this annoying pregnancy ailment. Be careful with certain products, such as coffee, orange juice, carbonated drinks and fatty foods. And rather eat six smaller meals a day than three large ones. This prevents your stomach from becoming too full and your body producing too much stomach acid.

4. Turn the heating down a little

We don’t have to tell you that your body is working hard. As a result, you are often very hot, even when you are sitting still. Set the thermostat in the bedroom a little lower or put down a fan or air conditioning on hot days. The perfect temperature for sleeping? Somewhere between 15 and 19 degrees.

Any more tips? These small adjustments can also improve your sleep.

Source: Huffington Post

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