Pole Emploi: the data of 1.2 million French people sold, an investigation is open
The personal data corresponding to 1.2 million profiles at Pôle Emploi were collected and then put up for sale on a forum frequented by hackers. A significant amount of information is accessible. Is this a hack? Or scrapping, which consists of collecting data scattered all over the place?
A hack on the side of Pôle Emploi?
Among the personal data that can be found for Pôle Emploi profiles, there are: first name, last name, age, telephone number, city, postal code, level of training, number of experiences, possession of a driving license, conveyed or not, desired job, GPS data, e-mail address and file creation date.
The seller of this important database is called PieWithNothing. He claimed $ 1,000 for this document. The database is no longer listed on the forum, suggesting that it has been sold. But it is difficult to confirm this element at the moment.
Be careful, hold on tight … it seems that a BIG #leak emanating from @pole_emploi runs on a forum (for sale, 1.2 million profiles, formatted like a dump) … @pole_emploi got pwn! https://t.co/yZborK27fS pic.twitter.com/FtrEtDjS9d– Bluetouff (@bluetouff) June 12, 2021
In view of the situation, Pôle Emploi announces to BFMTV that he launched an internal investigation. But the group is not saying more for now, just as it refuses to comment on the extent of the data breach.
Beware of phishing potential
If you are registered with Pôle Emploi, be careful. Your data potentially circulates and hackers have access to your data such as email address and phone number, in addition to your identity. You will have to closely monitor your emails and SMS over the next few days / weeks to avoid a bad surprise. It could be phishing with a hacker pretending to be a group (like Pôle Emploi, for example) to try to get even more data.