New “Special Edition” creates enthusiasm
Young woman drinking coffee from a large disposable cup at take away counter of cafe
Image source: PlayStation / Getty Images / Klaus Vedfelt
The PlayStation 5 has caused quite a stir in the past few months. Gamers were looking forward to the possibilities that the next-gen console brings, new games have appeared and fans are wondering what else the PS5 could do – how about brewing coffee?

Supplement for the KFC gaming PC
It was originally just a joke, but in the end the fast-food chain KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) got serious and, together with Cooler Master, released a gaming PC with an integrated warming compartment for chicken. As it stands, it sparked the imagination of other fans.
TikTok user @fnmeka, for example, was obviously of the opinion that the PS5 should be in no way inferior to the KFC PC and produced a video that numerous Coffee fans thrilled.
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PlayStation 5: Coffee for the Chicken?
It is not known whether this “Special Edition” of the PlayStation 5 also writes the names incorrectly on the cups, but it does Brew coffee can they in the imagination of @fnmeka like the big ones.
The Starbucks PS5 is designed in green to match the retail company specializing in coffee and has the unmistakable logo. The clue? By pressing a button on the controller, a compartment opens in the upper half of the PlayStation 5 and the user receives it a mug of fresh coffee virtually delivered to the house.
Of course, this special edition is not real and it is a video – but from the comments it can be seen that there are some potential buyers. Some would prefer the next-gen console though the right sandwich would hold ready.
What would you think of it and what other ideas do you have? Which functions do you find useful? Visit us on Facebook and write us in the comments.