Mother is shocked by ‘interference’ at the out-of-school care: ‘No more sweet toppings’
Treating yourself to a bag of chips, candy or another sugar bomb is out of the question in more and more schools. Lunch must also become healthier, mother Shaya notices. And that obligation goes way too far for her, she says on Twitter.
“My children no longer get sweet toppings on their crackers at BSO: too many sugars,” she begins her Twitter post. “Rice cakes have also been written off: too salty. Cold cuts have also been banned, except for chicken breast. And how much they are allowed depends on age.”
Parents are responsible
According to Shaya there is nothing wrong with healthy eating, but the responsibility lies with the parents, and not with the school or after-school care. “May I think this is a little too much interference for a moment?” she writes. “I decide for myself what they can and cannot do. […] In our house, the rule used to be: healthy toppings first, then sweet.”
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Opinions differ on Twitter. For example, some people call it ‘patronising’ that an out-of-school care facility determines what a child eats. Still, not everyone agrees with Shaya. “You can’t start eating healthy young enough,” someone writes. “My son has a real sweet tooth. It’s very hard to change again now that he’s 16.”
My children no longer get sweet toppings on their crackers at BSO: too many sugars. Rice cakes have also been written off: too salty. Cold cuts have also been banned, except for chicken breast. And how much they are allowed depends on age.
May I find this a bit too much of a hassle?
— 🅂🄷🄰🅈🄰 (@Shaya1981) September 4, 2022
Do you think schools should ban unhealthy food?
Source: The Best Social Media
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