iPhone 13 unboxing videos give you a first impression
The iPhone 13 won’t be available until Friday. Already the first iPhone 13 unboxing videos can be seen.
Watching an unboxing is somehow very entertaining. It actually makes no sense. You have a box and that includes the product and accessories. Then you watch videos on YouTube of people opening such a box. However, there is a reason why this concept is so popular.
We humans are visually oriented. Reading what’s in the box is boring. We want to see it on screen! This gives you an impression of what exactly to expect if you are considering an iPhone 13, for example. Or if you already have an open order and want to see what you can expect. Compare it to watching a trailer of a movie that you are going to see in the cinema.
There are plenty of videos available on YouTube. We picked two from very famous people. These are iJustine and Marques Brownlee. Two video makers who understand their profession like no other, which also makes it pleasant to watch. In addition, they are very complete videos. Because they do not take one iPhone 13 out of the box, but several variants.
iPhone 13 unboxing videos