“If one of my kids asks how much I weigh, I’m lying”
Image: Unsplash
Being 33 years old forever, pretending it’s already bedtime or disguising your weight to feel better: should be possible in time, such a white lie.
Chantal (41): “If one of my kids asks how much I weigh, I’m lying. For years. Actually I think that’s stupid of myself, because what am I teaching them? That you shouldn’t weigh what you weigh? That you have to smuggle a few pounds? Still I do it. When they ask how much I weigh, I say with a straight face: ’69 kilos.’
Nonsense, the correct answer is 75. Maybe that six makes me feel better, or that I simply don’t want to sound too fat and heavy. Or maybe I’m afraid they’ll tell someone else someday. No idea. They have eyes of their own and can see my muffin top just fine.”
Forever young
Astrid (’33’): “I have been 33 years old for many years, until my daughter (7) realized that something was wrong because I never got older. Since then I have always remained 33, also for my daughter.
Also read – ‘I Told My Kids I Can See Everything They Do’ >
Hilda: “It was old and new. We set off some fireworks at eight o’clock, drank a glass of (children’s) champagne, wished each other a happy New Year and put the children to bed. Finished.”
Miriam: “My kids are fine with that because they don’t like being woken up in the middle of the night.”
Anne: “After dinner we just go for a coffee or play a game and then say: ‘Wow, it’s almost twelve o’clock already!’ They go in there with their eyes open. We set off fireworks, toast, play another game and the children are firmly convinced that they will not go to bed until two o’clock. They then sleep through everything.”
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