
How well do you know the internet in the 2000s?

What used to have a magical effect is more of a smile today. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Chatting with ICQ, dialing into the Internet thanks to AOL-CD: The Internet has changed a lot since the 2000s. In our quiz you can prove that you have been there from the start!

A world without the Internet is hardly imaginable today. In the 2000s, the World Wide Web was still very far from the technology without which we could hardly live today. The scratchy, squeaky modem, the characteristic noise when receiving an ICQ message, the first forums and much more are remembered by everyone who actively witnessed this development. Test your knowledge of the Internet of the 2000s now in a quiz:

Retro charm or nostalgic transfiguration?

Of course, “everything wasn’t better” back then, as many people report with a glorified view of the past. Nevertheless, the Internet of the 2000s still had something of its original, chaotic and authentic charm, which with the rise of the platform economy became more and more service-oriented, but also more commercial and a little more boring.

What was it like when you were online for the first time? Seven people told us that in personal reports.

If you’ve had enough of the retro wave and would rather discover more quizzes, you will find an overview of all our quizzes here.

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