
Get in! This flying taxi is coming


Taxis are going to become even more convenient, especially since there is now a flying taxi. Quickly check the images here.

After a night out, take a taxi back home. Or if you go to the airport for a holiday, everyone takes a taxi from time to time. Yet the innovation of the taxi itself has not been very spectacular in recent years. Until now, because there is a flying version of it.

flying taxi

Several companies are currently working on making such a device. One of them is Airbus. Of course we know them from the airplanes. The company unveiled new images of the electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle (eVTOL) last week. The name still needs work, you understand that. Airbus does see a future in flying vehicles, and therefore also in a taxi. The CityAirbus NextGen certainly looks impressive.

The CityAirbus NextGen was presented in a video that appeared on YouTube. It is really developed for short distances and urban trips. The plane, because that’s what it is, has fixed wings that cannot change position. The tail is in the shape of the letter V and has eight electric air screws.

CityAirbus NextGen by Airbus

Entirely by current standards, the flying taxi is very quiet and does not emit anything. You can board with four people and the device can fly up to 120 kilometers per hour. Reach? That is a bit disappointing, namely 80 kilometers. When it lands, the Airbus is still quite silent. The noise remains below 65 dB(A) during flight, at landing it is 70 dB(A). If you are wondering what is dB(A), which is derived from decibels, but corrects the sound levels for the sensitivity of the (human) ear.

The flying taxi is still in the design phase. The first prototype should fly in 2023.

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