Fornite: Hide Bunker Find – Location (Season 5, Week 9)
We show you the location of the hidden bunker in Fortnite.
In Season 5, Week 9 of Fortnite you have to find a hidden bunker. However, the game won’t tell you exactly where the mysterious system is. We’ll show you the exact location.

Languages:German English
Release:July 25, 2017
Platforms:Windows PC, Xbox One, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
While there are a lot of bunkers and other underground facilities in Fortnite, for the task from week 9 you have to find a particularly remote location. On the map you can see where exactly you have to land.
Where can I find the hidden bunker?
Lands at the East coast of the map, near Retail Row. At the marked place you should find two trees with a bush in the middle. Destroy the bush to expose the bunker entrance below. If other players have already tracked down the bunker before you, it is also possible that the bush has already been destroyed. In that case you can already see the hidden bunker from a distance.
You don’t have to open or enter the bunker entrance, just walk towards the hidden bunker to complete the task. You also switch one new landmark free, but which has the mysterious name “??” wearing.
As soon as you have found the hidden bunker, you complete phase 2 of 3 of the associated quest series. Phase 3 of 3 is available for your next game, for which you have to find a black box. You can find all information about this in our guide by following the link.
Unlike the numerous Predator tasks, which reward you with all kinds of cosmetic items and emotes, you get whole ones for finding the hidden bunker instead 20,000 experience points and thus a decent boost for your Battle Pass.