expressive and outside the lines’
Image: private
Edith Elshof-Stevens (44) is married to Benno (48) and mother of three children: Amy (13), Bailey (10) and Vinnie (8). She makes colorful paintings with spray cans.
“The whole of the Netherlands quickly went to the hairdresser or a restaurant before each lockdown. I visited the museum: strolling around in silence, absorbing the art like a sponge. After such a visit I come home reborn. Relaxed and full of inspiration for my own work.
The great thing about art is that it can give you new insights. When the children were small and I was not feeling well, a painting with a lot of water reminded me of the past. My parents had a boat and on the water all my insecurities fell away. That painting made the penny drop: I have to go back to the water. I bought a sup and found the peace I needed.
Art and creativity
I also see the relaxing effect of art and creativity in my children. Bailey is highly gifted, incentives come to him extra. By building hours with Lego, he processes what he has experienced. His structures often resemble something he has seen in a museum. We have a museum card – what do you want, with such a mother – so there is no shortage of inspiration.
The children are also very involved in my own work. Two paintings have been released on sweaters and Amy proudly wears them to school. Although she can also be critical. ‘I don’t like this work, it’s not expressive enough’, she said recently – that artistry is automatically part of it.
Also read – Miriam makes ink portraits: ‘Throwing paint turned out not to be useful with small children’ >
Full of color
Painting was always a hobby, next to my work as an account manager. Until seven years ago I was no longer happy with that job and more and more people praised my paintings. Maybe I should do more with it, I thought. In the same period, Amy danced to the song Hello world by Children for Children, about making your own choices and the world that lies at your feet. An eye-opener for me: how can I support my children in their dreams for the future if I myself stick to my safe, permanent job? I then decided to go all out for being an artist. If it had been a flop, I would have at least tried.
“An eye-opener: how can I support my children in their dreams if I myself stick to my safe, steady job?”
In hindsight, it’s the best decision ever. It makes me a happier person and a happy, relaxed mother. Inspired by Herman Brood, I mainly make paintings with spray cans: expressive and outside the lines. Full of color, too. One of my canvases is hanging in the living room and as far as I’m concerned there could be more color in it. Although it doesn’t have to be a colorful fair from my husband. Ha, so I’m holding back.”
This portrait is in Kek Mama 04-2022.
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