
Elden Ring: Deathroot locations for Beast Cleric Gurranq

In Elden Ring, you can collect Deathroots and turn them in to Beast Cleric Gurranq in Beast Sanctum to receive various items as rewards. At this point we show you where to find Deathroots and how you can hand them over.

Find Deathroot & reveal D

You may have already found one of the Deathroots in Limgrave. These special items are related to the NPCs D and Beast Cleric Gurranq. If you haven’t found Deathroot yet, the earliest locations are in the treasure chest in the boss room at the end of the Deathtouched Catacombs dungeon, or as a reward for defeating the Tibia Seafarer in Deadwater Village (See locations below).

Between these two places you can also go directly east of the Holy Bridge for the first time D, the hunter of the dead meet. You will then meet him again later in the Round Table Fortress at the round table and you can show him one of the roots of death you found. Through this he will tell you about the beast cleric Gurranq and you mark a portal near the Third Church of Marikawhich will take you to the Beast Cleric, who makes his home far to the north-east in Caelid’s Haven of Beasts.

Through this portal north of the cloud forest you come directly to the sanctuary of the beasts (Elden Ring).
Through this portal north of the cloud forest you come directly to the sanctuary of the beasts (Elden Ring).
Notice: You can also head to the Beasts’ Den on your own, leaving D out. However, the way there is riddled with strong enemies and D will not show you his range of goods later. He’s selling you two invocations. So, once you’ve given the Beast Cleric a Deathroot, return to D to continue his quest.

Give Deathroots to Beast Cleric Gurranq

Once you have used the portal, open the gate in front of you and be careful, because behind you there is a strong boss guarding the refuge. Inside, you should first activate the Place of Mercy so that you can return here comfortably later.

Then talk to Gurranq at the end of the hall and give him a Deathroot. He will then give you the Clawmark Sigil for casting invocations and the Beast’s Eye. The latter will now automatically show you a notification when you are near a Deathroot.

For each Deathroot turned in, Gurranq will give you another reward. You can find out what is available from the following table:

number reward
1. Death Root Clawmark Sigil, Beast’s Eye
2. Root of Death Bestial Snare (Invocation)
3. Root of Death Bestial Life Force (Invocation)
4. Death Root Cry of the Beast (Ash of War)
5. Root of Death Beast Claw (Invocation)
6. Death Root Stone of Gurranq (Invocation)
7. Death Root Beastclaw Greathammer (Weapon)
8. Death Root Gurranq’s Beastclaw (Invocation)
More important Notice: After her the 4. Deadroot turned in and then next time you teleport to the sanctum, Gurranq will attack you, since he can no longer contain his anger. You have to drain some life energy from him first, so that he calms down again. However, since he can kill you very quickly, you should go straight out and then fight him from a safe distance with ranged weapons (but beware of his ranged attacks!), since he can’t get through the door. Unless you invocations like poison or have Spirit Ashes that use poison attacks, this is the surest way to slowly deplete his life bar. After that he is harmless again and you can talk to him.

Locations of all Deathroots

We describe you below The locations of all Deathroots in Elden Ring. You often get them for killing the Tibia Sailors, but you can sometimes find them hidden in the game world. Note that this guide is under construction and we will gradually add more locations.

1. Death Root

In the treasure chest in the boss room of the optional dungeon “Deathtouched Catacombs” to the north of Limgrave.

Location of the 1st Deathroot in the dungeon "Deathtouched Catacombs" (Elden Ring).
Location of the 1st Deathroot in the dungeon “Deathtouched Catacombs” (Elden Ring).

2. Root of Death

Loot from the Tibia Seafarer in Deadwater Village to the north-east of Limgrave.

In Deadwater Village you will find a Tibia Seafarer boss with Deathroot (Elden Ring).
In Deadwater Village you will find a Tibia Seafarer boss with Deathroot (Elden Ring).

3. Root of Death

Loot from the Tibiaseefahrer in the small forest just to the left of the Carian classroom in the east of Liurnia.

In front of the Carian Lecture Hall you will find a Tibia Seafarer boss with Deathroot (Elden Ring).
In front of the Carian Lecture Hall you will find a Tibia Seafarer boss with Deathroot (Elden Ring).

4. Death Root

In the treasure chest in the boss room of the optional dungeon “Catacombs of the Ebon Blade” in the northeast of Liurnia.

Location of the 4th Deathroot in the dungeon "Black Blade Catacombs" (Elden Ring).
Location of the 4th Deathroot in the dungeon “Catacombs of the Black Blade” (Elden Ring).

5. Root of Death

Loot from the Tibia Seafarer at the Wyndham Ruins in Gelmir.

In the ruins of Wyndham you will find a Tibia Seafarer boss with Deathroot (Elden Ring).
In the ruins of Wyndham you will find a Tibia Seafarer boss with Deathroot (Elden Ring).

We’ll add the locations of the remaining Deathroots shortly!

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