eBay classifieds with a new function: shipping becomes child’s play
The eBay classifieds now have their own shipping option. Sending parcels with DHL or Hermes can be initiated directly via the platform. Shipment tracking and liability are also offered. But buyers and sellers both have to participate.
eBay classifieds with their own shipping options
In the eBay classifieds, there is not only the option to pay for the items directly, but now also one own option to send parcels. Hermes and DHL are now available as partners when goods need to get from the seller to the buyer. According to eBay Classifieds, this benefits both parties. But there is no compulsion. If you want to continue to determine the shipping yourself, you can do so in the future.
From the buyer’s point of view, the delivery address is also requested when the payment option “Pay safely”. Salespeople, in turn, can post the sale one get a matching shipping label and bring the package to the shipping service provider. According to eBay classifieds, this saves time as the shipping costs no longer have to be calculated by yourself. There is also shipment tracking and liability via DHL.
“This additional convenience helps make buying used goods a real alternative to buying a new one,” explains Paul Heimann, head of eBay Classifieds. Buyers receive when they place an ad Instructions on the correct size of the package. There are no additional costs, the prices are the same as those charged by DHL and Hermes (source: eBay classifieds).
How do Hermes, DHL and Co. differ?
eBay Classifieds: Easy shipping available almost anywhere
After an initial test in the smartphone category, eBay Classifieds now has the new shipping option activated for all categories, in which “goods that can usually be shipped” are offered. However, an exact list of the categories was not disclosed.